We are located at 525 S. Meridian St., 46225, just South of where Meridian T's into Henry St. At this location, Meridian runs N/S between Madison Ave & Illinois St.

Click the Google Map in the right column of this page if you need help.

We only receive mail at the PO Box listed in the right column of this page.

All office visits are by appointment only.

Appointments are scheduled 7 days a week, generally between 10:00 am and 6:00 pm.

Client Contacts

If you would like more information about our service, need a quote for an upcoming event, inquire about talent not listed (seniors, plus size, children, etc.), or want to see if we serve a market not listed on our site (we routinely serve many smaller, Midwestern cities not listed as markets served), please email us at the address provided (info@indymodels.com.)

Model Contacts

If you would like more information about joining our roster, the work we do, or how we're different than the "agencies" trying to empty your bank account, please review the information and requirements found on our "Join Us" page. Email only.

Payments can be processed by clicking here

Watch for those pretending to be IndyModels



Models - Please read our "Join Us" page before contacting us.

PO Box 47851 Indianapolis, IN 46247


Office Visits by Appointment Only.

Calls accepted from established clients & roster talent only. All others use email.

Indy 500

Gen Con


Archery Trade




teen models

04 Indy 500

04 Gen Con
